Whenever you find yourself at the mall or any establishment that you have to transact a sale with, whether that be for food, clothing, gadgets, furniture, appliances, or the like, there must be a proof of transaction that shall be issued to you once you have completed a purchase thereof. Thus, you need to be issued an official receipt or sales invoice by the seller.

Unfortunately, not all sellers issue an official receipt or sales invoice. That issue is now resolved by the enactment of the revenue regulation, which requires the issuance of the official receipt or sales invoice through the posting of the Notice to Issue Receipts/ Invoices (NIRI) at a place that can easily be seen by the public in their place of business.

On December 02, 2019, the Bureau of Internal Revenue issued Revenue Regulation No. 10-2019, which is about Amending Pertinent Provision of Revenue Regulations (RR) No. 4-2000, as Amended by RR No. 7-2005, By Providing a New Format for the Notice to the Public to be Exhibited at Place of Business. This Revenue Regulation aims to provide in scope that it shall be in line with the provisions of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997, also known as the Tax Code, as amended. Particularly, the provisions mentioned that it shall be pursuant to are that of Section 244 in relations to Sections 237, 238, 264 and 265.

Section 2 of the aforementioned Revenue Regulation states the exhibition of notice at place of business. Thus, it indicates the following:

“For the purpose of improving revenue collection through enforcement of the legal provision on the issuance of official receipt (OR)/ sales invoice (SI) and to inform the public/ buyers to require the seller to issue OR/SI, persons required by law to issue such receipts/ invoices are hereby directed to post in their places of business, including branches and mobile stores, in such area conspicuous to the public, the below Notice to Issue Receipts/ Invoices (NIRI):”

Old Version

BIR old version

New Version

BIR new version

The Notice to Issue Receipts/ Invoices includes the following:

  • The heading stating that, “This establishment must issue receipt/ invoice for each service rendered/ sale of goods.”
  • Business Name
  • Registered Name
  • TIN and Branch Code
  • Penalties of 2 to 4 years imprisonment for non issuance of receipt/ invoice
  • Call to action stating to report violators to any of the following:
    • Telephone No. 8981-7030
    • contact_us@bir.gov.ph
    • commisioner@bir.gov.ph
    • any BIR Office
  • Seal or logo of the Bureau of Internal Revenue located at the lower left portion of the notice
  • The footnote stating that, “This NOTICE must be posted within
    this establishment in an area conspicuous to the public view.”

… and you might just need our assistance.

Need further information or assistance regarding your BIR compliance? Set up a consultation with FilePino today! Call us at (02) 8478-5826 (landline) and 0917 892 2337 (mobile) or send an email to info@filepino.com.