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Expanded Maternity Leave Approved and Implemented

The Expanded Maternity Leave Law (Republic Act No. 11210) was enacted on February 20, 2019, and its implementing rules and…

Understanding Beneficial Ownership and the New GIS Requirements

The General Information Sheet (GIS) is an important document that companies submit to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) every…

Revised Corporation Code Now Allows Single-Person Registered Corporations

Last February, President Rodrigo Duterte led a ceremonial signing of all laws previously enacted during the past several weeks. This…

Expanding Your Business: A Checklist of Indicators

For entrepreneurs, the thought of expanding a business is certainly an exciting prospect. Expansion means more products or services, sales,…

General Tax Amnesty: A Fresh Start for Taxpayers

In November 2018, the senate approved the Tax Amnesty Bill, which is designed to generate at least P36 billion in…

“Ease of Doing Business Act” Under Republic Act No. 11032

Commonproblems businesses face when it comes to dealing with government agencies are the long lines and slowprocessing times due to…
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