Obtaining licenses and permits in the Philippines takes a great deal of effort and a lot of paperwork, but it is absolutely important that your company is license compliant. FilePino helps you save time, effort and unnecessary expenses involved in preparing, filing and getting your permit applications processed.

Philippine Government Licenses

When applying for business permits in the Philippines, the heavily bureaucratic system here in the Philippines can make it a long, complicated process without the help of a qualified business consultant. FilePino will make sure that you get all the required licenses from the proper government agencies.

1. Philippine Bureau of Food and Drugs (BFAD)

The Philippine Bureau of Food and Drugs performs inspections and issues licenses for businesses involved with any of the following: importation, exportation, distribution and retailing of processed foods, drugs, medical devices, and in vitro diagnostic reagents. Companies intending to venture in businesses that deal with health and beauty, cosmetics, or pharmaceuticals must obtain a License To Operate from BFAD.

2. Philippine Bureau of Customs (BOC)

The Bureau of Customs (also known plainly as Customs) prevents and ceases smuggling and entry of prohibited and illegal imported goods into the Philippines. Entry into the country of aircraft and vessels are overseen by Customs. Customs enforces the Tariff and Customs Code of the Philippines and all laws, rules, and regulations related to them. Businesses intending to import or export any goods must get clearance from Customs.

3. Philippine Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR)

The Bureau of Internal Revenue is the body that collects national internal revenue taxes, fees, and assessments. They enforce all forfeitures, penalties, and fines associated with it. All companies and employed individuals—whether self-employed or earning pure compensation—are required to apply for a tax identification number (TIN) and are subject to pay corporate or personal income tax.

4. Philippine National Police Firearms and Explosive Division and Security Management Division (FED)

Under the governance of the Philippine National Police (PNP), FED is in charge of all firearms licenses as well any businesses dealing with the manufacturing of ammunition and explosives. Gun club operations must secure a license to operate from FED. Companies intending to go into security matters are required to register with the Security Management Division (SMD).

5. Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR)

The DENR regulates and monitors the development and utilization of natural resource products. Any company intending to venture into and participate in businesses that include mining, forestry, agricultural development are required to secure the necessary licenses from the DENR. For some construction development projects, they are required to apply and receive environmental clearance certificate to operate (depending on the area).

Explore the essential permits and licenses required to start your business in the Philippines on FilePino’s website. Click here for detailed information.

… and you might just need our assistance.

Need assistance in business licenses and permits in the Philippines? Set up a consultation with FilePino today! Call us at (02) 8478-5826 (landline) and 0917 892 2337 (mobile) or send an email to info@filepino.com.

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